"Settle down, lads, it's story time....and no, it's not "Goldilocks" again. It just so happens to be a journal I kept from my youth as an explorer."
"An explorer? Like Christopher Columbus?"
"Well, more like Daniel Boone, actually...don't I look snazzy in that photo?"
"Anyway, I set out with only my coonskin cap and the bare necessities in supplies--"
"No I did not bring the accordian. I brought only the most vital supplies. And it wasn't a camping trip, it was an exploration of the wilderness--"
--via a handmade log raft I strung together out of pine trees and rope made from woven vines."
"Here's a little map--which I drew myself--showing you my path through the wilderness. Of course, it was a vast, uncharted wilderness...and there are a few parts missing which I discovered along the way, but didn't have time to add..."
"Like what? A treasure cave? Ancient ruins?"
"Well, not exactly. Anyhow, the first few days were idyllic. Poling my way along the river, mapping the terrain as I travelled. Rereading Huckleberry Finn by firelight in the evenings.
Of course, after a few days, needless to say, I was a little lost on a big river as of yet uncharted by any explorer. No civilization in sight, so when supplies ran low, I began to wonder how long I could live off the land--"
"Why didn't you stop to ask directions from someone?"
"There is no 'someone' in the middle of the wilderness, Lionel...this is uncharted territory we're talking about--"
"What about the animals? Weren't there bears or something? Why not ask the bears which way was civilization?
"There were no bears in sight--besides, I don't happen to speak Bruin, which meant even if I did meet one, they couldn't have told me that up ahead was a shortcut up ahead...
... in the form of a giant waterfall. Needless to say it was an exciting discovery for me--"
"I took a few minutes for reflection, once I reached the bottom of the river again. Of course, there was a little swim to shore..."
"...and a long hike home, Uncle Reggie?"
"I think that's enough about my adventure for now... it's bedtime for you three."