Friday, February 20, 2009

Shooting the Rapids

"Settle down, lads, it's story time....and no, it's not "Goldilocks" again. It just so happens to be a journal I kept from my youth as an explorer."

"An explorer? Like Christopher Columbus?"

"Well, more like Daniel Boone, actually...don't I look snazzy in that photo?"

"Anyway, I set out with only my coonskin cap and the bare necessities in supplies--"

"You mean you brought the accordian on a camping trip?"

"No I did not bring the accordian. I brought only the most vital supplies. And it wasn't a camping trip, it was an exploration of the wilderness--"

--via a handmade log raft I strung together out of pine trees and rope made from woven vines."

"Here's a little map--which I drew myself--showing you my path through the wilderness. Of course, it was a vast, uncharted wilderness...and there are a few parts missing which I discovered along the way, but didn't have time to add..."

"Like what? A treasure cave? Ancient ruins?"

"Well, not exactly. Anyhow, the first few days were idyllic. Poling my way along the river, mapping the terrain as I travelled. Rereading Huckleberry Finn by firelight in the evenings.

Of course, after a few days, needless to say, I was a little lost on a big river as of yet uncharted by any explorer. No civilization in sight, so when supplies ran low, I began to wonder how long I could live off the land--"

"Why didn't you stop to ask directions from someone?"

"There is no 'someone' in the middle of the wilderness, Lionel...this is uncharted territory we're talking about--"

"What about the animals? Weren't there bears or something? Why not ask the bears which way was civilization?

"There were no bears in sight--besides, I don't happen to speak Bruin, which meant even if I did meet one, they couldn't have told me that up ahead was a shortcut up ahead...

... in the form of a giant waterfall. Needless to say it was an exciting discovery for me--"

"I took a few minutes for reflection, once I reached the bottom of the river again. Of course, there was a little swim to shore..."

"...and a long hike home, Uncle Reggie?"

"I think that's enough about my adventure for now... it's bedtime for you three."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Among Reggie's Favorite Things ...

More proof, my friends, that we crows possess superior intelligence ... move over, parrots!